Opening Session (Tuesday, August 4, 11:00 a.m.–12:30 a.m.)
Sponsored by ITE Consultants Council
Moderator: Randy McCourt, P.E., ITE International President
The future of transportation will not happen in a vacuum. While it will have an influence on a variety of business sectors, the transportation industry will also be impacted by these same sectors. This session features Garry Golden, an academically trained Futurist who speaks on issues shaping the business and society in the 21st century. He also has experience in the transportation industry, working across a wide range of transportation organizations, including AASHTO, ACEC-Oregon, AAA Public Affairs, ITS Texas, Goodyear Tire, ODOT, KDOT, UC-Berkeley Transportation Sustainability Research Center, and Texas Transportation Institute.
Listen to Garry Golden preview his presentation during the Opening Session.
Transportation and Equity Plenary (Thursday, August 6, 1:30–3:00 p.m.)
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Join us for a thoughtful and provocative discussion on the challenging and complex topic of transportation and equity. We are privileged to have four thought leaders who are here to help us understand more about the factors that we need to consider and how to achieve equity in transportation.
Moderator: Alyssa Rodriguez, ITE International Vice President
Tamika Butler, Esq., Principal, Tamika L. Butler Consulting, LLC
Emiko Atherton, Director, National Complete Streets Coalition
Shirley Gonzales, Councilwoman, City of San Antonio, Texas
Meghna Khanna, AICP, Senior Director, Countywide Planning and Development Mobility Corridors, Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Closing Plenary: Impacts of COVID-19 on Transportation (Thursday, August 13, 4:00–5:30 p.m.)
Neil Pedersen, Executive Director of the Transportation Research Board, will share his insights on how the transportation industry has been impacted by and will continue to be shaped by the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Moderator: Randy McCourt, P.E., PTOE, ITE International President
With the rising popularity of roundabouts, more communities are proposing this alternative intersection as a tool to increase the mobility and safety of roadway users. Proposals for the implementation of multilane roundabouts sometimes brings concerns and skepticism from the affected public. The goal of this session is to identify and counter common myths associated with multilane roundabouts such as (1) having more lanes is better (2) two-lane roundabouts are not good for bikes and pedestrians (3) roundabouts need two or more lanes for trucks; and (4) multilane roundabouts have too many crashes.
Mark Johnson, P.E., Principal Engineer, MTJ Roundabout Engineering
Brian Walsh, State Traffic Design and Operations Engineer, Washington State Department of Transportation
Jay VonAhsen, Senior Project Manager, Kimley-Horn
COVID-19, Part 1 – Impacts on Transportations System and Services
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Moderator: Jeffrey Lindley, P.E., Deputy Executive Director and Chief Technical Officer, ITE
COVID-19 has had profound impacts on the demand for transportation facilities and services, the performance of the transportation system, transportation services provided, and the organizations that provide them. This two-part session will explore these impacts, how transportation organizations are adjusting and what the future might hold (Part 2 will be held on Thursday, August 13 at 3:30 pm).
Moderator: Jeffrey Lindley, Deputy Executive Director / Chief Technical Officer, Institute of Transportation Engineers
Traffic Impacts,Rick Schuman, Vice President, Public Sector Americas, INRIX
Safety Impacts, Robert Ritter, Director, Office of Impaired Driving and Occupant Protection, National Highway Traffic Administration
Transit Impacts, Arjan van Andel, Director of Business Development and Marketing, PTV Group America
Shared Mobility Impacts, Susan Shaheen, Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Berkele
Micromobility Design Competition: Presentations and Judging
Moderator: Bruce Belmore, P.E., AVS, Director, Canada West Transportation Planning, WSP
Cities are being challenged by a growing number of micromobility options that are changing the way we need to look at mobility within our downtowns. Demand on curb space is increasing. Traditional uses such as parking, package delivery, and pick-up/drop-off is now competing with the desire to incorporate bike lanes, shared bike and e-scooter storage as well as non-transportation uses as sidewalks cafes, rain gardens, and parklets. Moreover, new micromobility options (e.g., scooter, e-bikes) are bringing a new set of challenges. Due to the limited right-of-way, cities must face with accommodating all users.
The goal of the ITE Micromobility Sandbox Design Competition, held earlier this year, is to identify innovative solutions where current and future micromobility can co-exist with both faster and slower moving options.
This session will include finalist presentations from both student and consultant-led teams, which will be judged and winners announced at the Power Plenary Session.
Tuesday, August 4, 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Innovative Signal Timing and Signal Data Strategies
Moderator: Gordon Meth, P.E., PTOE, PTP, RSP1, Robson Forensics
This session will present innovations in traffic signal timing including transit signal priority and preemption strategies. The session will also explore the use of high resolution signal data to proactively address safety issues and to streamline communication and prioritize signal needs across a jurisdiction. Lessons learned through the implementation of these innovative signal practices will be shared for use in other jurisdictions.
Super Bowl LIII Traffic Operations and the Power of Preemption, Lance Ballard, P.E., MMC Manager - Mobility Management Center - City of Austin, Kimley-Horn
Statewide Traffic Signal Operations in Georgia, Katherine Shearin, P.E., PTOE, Metro Atlanta Signal Operations Engineer, Georgia Department of Transportation
Transit Signal Priority and Requesting Thresholds – Is There a Connection?, Grant Schultz, Ph.D, P.E., PTOE, Professor, Brigham Young University
Innovative Infrastructure for Person-Sized Transportation
This session will focus on several innovative solutions to addressing pedestrian and bicycle mobility using non-traditional applications. This session will feature information from the new FHWA Bikeways Selection Guide, discuss how Safe System concepts can be applied to protect vulnerable road users, and how local jurisdictions are making design and operation decisions for person-sized transportation.
A Safe System Approach to Planning and Design in the United States, R.J. Porter, Ph.D, P.E., Highway Safety Engineer, VHB and Jeff Shaw, P.E., PTOE, PTOE, RSP1, Intersections Program Manager, Federal Highway Administration
Considerations for Making Informed Trade-Off Decisions Related to the Selection of Bikeway Types, Brooke Struve, P.E., Safety and Design Engineer, Federal Highway Administration
Fremont, California’s Coordination with CA School for the Blind on Roadway Design, Noe Veloso, Assistant City Engineer, City of Fremont
National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE) Transportation Technology Tournament
Moderator: Patrick Son, P.E., Managing Director, NOCoE
This competition features students who have worked closely with state and local DOTs to solve real-world transportation problems utilizing ITS and TSMO solutions.
Held by the National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE) and the U.S. DOT ITS JPO PCB program, six student teams will have spent six months working with industry and academic advisors to learn about potential ITS and TSMO solutions via online training programs. Working as a team, the students utilize their experience, education, and new coursework to develop a solution or suite of solutions to directly address the originally-defined challenge problem.
During this session, each finalist team will give a 10-minute presentation in front of a panel of judges, where they’ll face questions and be expected to speak to the technical aspects of their solution. A team will then be selected as the 2020 Transportation Technology Tournament Winner and announced at the Thursday Transportation and Equity Plenary session.
This session will highlight current initiatives to improve rail grade crossing safety. The panel will highlight on-going grade crossing programs, complexities and challenges of traffic signal railroad preemption, combination low- and high-technology treatments for at grade crossings, and emerging technologies for alternative means of train detection. Solutions will be presented for both mainline (freight) rail, commuter rail, and light rail by rail owners and operators.
The Language of Railroad Preemption, Alejandro Chock. E.I., Transportation Engineer, Mott MacDonald and Sam Bobko, P.E., PTOE, Senior Project Manager, Mott McDonald
Automated Safety and Performance Evaluation of the Region of Waterloo Light Rail Train (LRT) Intersections Using Computer Vision Technology, Sajad Shiravi, Senior Traffic Consultant, Miovision Technologies and Egerton Heath, Supervisor, Traffic Systems Management, Region of Waterloo, Canada and Mark Liddell, Traffic Systems Analyst, Region of Waterloo
Using Advanced Traveler Information Systems to Address Safety and Congestion at Rail Crossings, Garreth Rempel, Ph.D, P.Eng, TRAINFO
Transportation and Health Planning: Community-Wide and Around the World!
This session will highlight how transportation professionals can take proactive steps to reduce health risks through the transportation project development process. This session will outline the role of transportation in improving health outcomes, often times through small changes, that can lead to more livable, accessible, sustainable and healthy communities.
“Bridging” the Gap: Richmond – San Rafael Bridge Bike-Ped Path and Community Connectivity, Smita Sharma, Applications Engineer, Lindsay Transportation Solutions, LLC
Equitable Mobility Hubs, Jeffrey Kupko, P.E., PTOE, Assistant Program Manager, Michael Baker International
Don’t Forget About Us: Planning for the Original Form of Transportation, Heidi Simon, Senior Program Manager, Road to Zero Coalition, National Safety Council
Measuring Access to Services by Multiple Modes: A Case Study of Milwaukee, Margaret McNamara, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Marquette University
Best Practices in Special Events and Extreme Weather Event Management
Moderator: Anthony Castellone, P.E., PTOE, Transportation Division Manager, Pennoni Associates
The safety and reliability of the transportation system is affected by a variety of impacts from weather, tourism and special events. Many of these issues affect rural and small communities where the roadway networks are limited or may be compromised, and a mix of ITS applications can improve conditions for the traveling public.
Hans Larsen, Director of Public Works, City of Fremont, CA
Real-Time Traffic Operations Solutions for Inclement Weather, John Abraham, Director, Macomb County Department of Roads - Traffic Operations Center
Matt Glasser, P.E., Assistant State Traffic Engineer, Georgia Department of Transportation
Wednesday, August 5,1:30–3:00 p.m.
Alternative Intersection Treatments
Sponsored by
Moderator: Andy Swisher, P.E., PTOE, Senior Traffic Engineer - Transportation, Technical Director, Traffic and Technology Group, HR Green
This session will explore emerging trends in the design of alternative intersections. The design challenges faced, alternatives considered, and pros and cons of the emerging treatments will be highlighted. Case studies that successfully document successful implementation of innovative intersection treatments will also be presented.
There’s a Signal in My Roundabout! – Roundabout Metering, LisaRene Schilperoort, P.E., South Central Region Traffic Engineer, Washington State Department of Transportation
Delivering Comprehensive Intersection Safety Improvements in Austin: Effectiveness of Countermeasures, Benefit/Costs, and, Lessons Learned, Amica Bose, P.E., Senior Engineer, Austin Transportation Department and Boniface Njoroge, M.S., P.E., Senior Engineer, Austin Transportation Department
What Do You Mean I Can’t Turn Left There? Rerouting Left Turns to Improve Safety and Efficiency, Alex Wiseman, P.E., Traffic Engineer, STV Engineers, Inc.
I-35 & Route 152 – A New Application of Displaced Left-Turns at an Interchange, Michael Wahlstedt, P.E., PTOE, Vice President, TranSystems and Ryan Hale, P.E., Senior Highway Designer, Missouri Department of Transportation
Complete Streets: How to Allocate Right-of-Way Space Based on Modal Prioritization in the Real World
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Moderator: Larry Marcus, Founder, Forward Progress LLC
This session will addresses challenges in implementing complete street in a variety of environments and at various scales. This session will include methods to implement multimodal streets designs within limited rights-of-way, challenges and solutions for converting urban streets to be safer and more accessible for all road users, and identify how complete streets help achieve Vision Zero.
Bicycles and Pedestrian And Roundabouts, Oh My!, Lindsey Van Parys, P.E., Associate, GHD
Hey, I’m Walking Here! Matching Right-of-Way Allocations to Modal Splits, Heidi Wolf, Deputy Director, Pedestrian Unit, New York City Department of Transportation
Transforming Hennepin Avenue South, A Policy Based Approach, Allan Klugman, P.E., PTOE, Principal Professional Engineer, City of Minneapolis, MN and Becca Hughes, AICP, Senior Transportation Planner, City of Minneapolis, MN
Enhancing Safety of First Responders Through Technology
Moderator: Pat Noyes, Principal, Pat Noyes & Associates
This session focuses on the current work of the Transportation Safety Advancement Group (TSAG) in the areas of real time information sharing and interoperability, the linkage between connected and automated vehicles and emergency response as well as the use of cloud-based virtual coordination to manage incidents.
New Technology Requirements for Emergency Response in the Connected Vehicle and Smart City Future, Jon Ringler, Vice President, Econolite
Seattle Area Partnership Aims to Deploy a Cloud-based Virtual Coordination Center to Better Manage Congestion Caused by Major Incidents, Travis Phelps, Near-Term Mobility Manager, Washington State Department of Transportation
Pat Noyes, Principal, Pat Noyes & Associates
Wednesday, August 5, 4:00–5:30 p.m.
Expanding Vision Zero to Small and Medium-Sized Communities
Moderator: Dana Weissman, AICP, Senior Associate, Fehr and Peers
This session will highlight how to expand Vision Zero to small and medium-sized communities, including fostering leadership and implementation at a state, regional, and county level. This session will outline how to collect and measure Vision Zero data and scale Vision Zero action plans, programs, and funding for small and medium-sized communities.
Leveraging Crash Data for Improved Transportation Operations and Safety: City of San Jose Case Study, Mark Masongsong, CEO & Co-Founder, UrbanLogiq
Matt Kelly, Senior Transportation Planner, Contra Costa Transportation Authority
Sarah Caper, AICP, Principal Planner, Forward Pinellas
Increasing the Use of Multimodal Performance Measures in Decision-Making
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Moderator: Peter Koonce, P.E., Engineer, City of Portland, Oregon
This session will outline how performance measures for multiple modes of transportation are being used in decision-making processes. This session will highlight performance measures for safety, economics, equity, and mobility for conditions like pedestrian and bicycle network and intersection conflict decision-making.
Peter Koonce, P.E., Signals and Street Lighting Division Manager, City of Portland, OR
Laura Bryan, Director, Mayor’s Office of Transportation, City of New Orleans, LA
Conor Semler, Associate Planner, Kittleson & Associates, Boston, MA
Stefanie Bodie, Senior Researcher, Toole Design, Washington, DC
Innovative Concepts for Managing Trips in Rural and Small Communities
This session covers a variety of concepts to improve trip making in rural communities including planning concepts, transit and traffic system design in low density areas, as well as rail grade crossing gate condition information when alternate routes are miles away.
Moderator: Valerie Briggs, Director, Office of Transportation Management, FHWA
Designing for Traffic and Transit in Low Density Urban Areas, Arjan Van Andel, Lead MaaS, PTV America and Ramond Robinson, Head of Transportation, Anne Arundel County, MD
Transportation's Role in Rural Communities: Valuing the Past, Planning for the Future, Steven Gayle, PTP, Director, RSG, Inc
Adapting for Tourism: Real-Time Traffic Optimization for Commercial Development, Marissa Tarallo, P.E., PTOE, Senior Technical Director - Traffic and Transportation, AKRF, Inc.
Initiating the Systems Engineering Process for Rural Connected Vehicle Corridors, Barbara Staples, CSEP, PMP, Principal, Noblis, Inc.
Thursday, August 6, 11:00 a.m. –12:30 p.m.
Speed Management Action Plans
Moderator: Jen Malzer, MSc, P.Eng, Transportation Engineer, City of Calgary, Alberta
This session will outline how speed management action plans and speed limit setting procedures are evolving and how speed management is being considered as a safety tool. This session will feature national reports and local examples of how and why speed management is being used and evaluated to reduce serious injuries and fatalities.
Fremont, California’s Vision Zero Speed Management Program, Matthew Bomberg, P.E., Senior Transportation Engineer, City of Fremont, CA
Noteworthy Practices in Speed Management, Shauna Hallmark, Director, InTrans, Iowa State University and Neal Hawkins, Associate Director, InTrans, Iowa State University
A Fresh Look at Managing Speeds through Traffic Calming and Design: Why (& How) The City of Austin Moved Toward Integrated Strategies in Speed Management, Eric Bollich, P.E., PTOE, Acting Assistant Director, Austin Transportation Department and Lewis Leff, Transportation Safety Officer, City of Austin, TX
The Future Will Not Be Like the Past - Hillsborough MPO Speed Management Action Plan, Paula Flores, FITE, Transportation Planning Practice Leader, Greenman-Pedersen and Gena Torres, Executive Planner, Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization
How Slow Should You Go? Guidance for Setting Speed Limits in Urban Areas, Jenny O'Connell, Program Manager, NACTO
Emerging Approaches to Pedestrian Safety: An Interdisciplinary Effort to Achieve Zero Fatalities
This session will provide case studies of emerging safety approaches, such as systemic pedestrian safety, in cities, counties, and states in the United States. Understanding that this issue is an interdisciplinary effort and new technologies that will help prevent pedestrian crashes in the future. This session will also outline identifying, prioritizing, and selecting appropriate countermeasures for locations with high pedestrian crash risks before crashes occur.
Julio Fuentes, Senior Traffic Engineer, City of San Diego, CA
Peter Eun, Transportation Safety Engineer, Federal Highway Administration
Meghan Mitman, AICP, San Francisco Bay Area Regional Principal in Charge, Fehr & Peers
Paul Ryus, P.E., Principal Engineer, Kittelson & Associates
Creative Management of Work Zones
Moderator: Scott Knebel, Vice President, Crawford, Murphy & Tilly
Work zones are a necessary part of roadway maintenance and construction. However, simply setting up a work zone isn’t enough – a plan to actively manage operations and safety in the work zone is also needed. This session covers a range of topics to stimulate out of the box thinking on planning for work zones.
You're Closing the Highway!!!?? Trans Canada Highway - Kicking Horse Canyon, Mariya Otten-Andrew, P.Eng, PTOE, MIEAust, CPEng, Manager - Transportation Planning Alberta, WSP Canada
Automated Speed Enforcement in Pennsylvania Work Zones. Mahmood Shehata, P.E., Manager - Transportation (Traffic and ITS), RK&K and Daniel Farley, P.E., Chief, TSMO Operations and Performance Section, Pennsylvania DOT
NextGen Work Zone Database/iCone Pilot Project – From Planning the Work to Working the Plan with Real-time Communications, Anton (Tony) Leingang, State Incident Management and Operations Administrator, Washington State Dept of Transportation
Thursday, August 6, 4:00–5:30 p.m.
Beginning to Apply Safe System Thinking in the United States
Moderator: Robert Wunderlich, P.E., Director,Center for Transportation Safety, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
This session will outline a Safe System approach to making roads as safe as possible for all users. The session will highlight the Safe Systems principles of such as shared responsibility for safety and forgiving system design so that when crashes happen, they won’t result in death or serious injury. This session will highlight on-the-ground examples of how anticipating human error and accommodating human injury tolerances are being applied outside the U.S. and how the U.S. is beginning to adopt similar strategies.
Safe Systems: Avoiding the Pitfalls, Robert Morgan, P.E., Traffic and Road Safety Engineer, Melbourne, Australia
Evaluating Road Projects in Victoria, Australia Using Safe System Assessment, David Williamson, B.Eng (Hons), MITE, MACRS, MAITPM, Safer Roads Engineering Specialist, Road Safety Victoria
Overview of Federal Highway Administration's Safe System Approach Projects, Michael Griffith, RSP1, RSP2I, Director, Office of Safety Technologies, Federal Highway Administration
This session will feature how several cities have all transformed central corridors from car only to multimodal focuses. This session will highlight tools cities used to effectively implement multimodal corridors, from innovating project delivery to managing growth.
Low-Stress, Connected, Rapid: How to Get More New Orleanians Moving by Bike, Trung Vo, P.E., AICP, Senior Engineer and Planner, Toole Design and Louis Haywood, Construction Project Manager, City of New Orleans Department of Public Works
Belleair Road Multimodal Portfolio Project: Efficiently Creating Sustainable Livability, Danielle Joyce, Traffic Section Manager, HNTB Corporation and Ken Jacobs, Transportation Division Director, Pinellas County, FL
21st Century Raleigh: Successful Multimodal Integration in an 18th Century Framework, Stacie Phillips, Senior Project Manager, Kimley-Horn and Eric Lamb, P.E., FITE, Transportation Planning Manager, City of Raleigh, NC
Shoal Creek Blvd: 5 Miles of Quick Build Multimodal Reconstruction in Austin, Tyler Wong, P.E., Street Designer / Engineer, Toole Design and Emily Tuttle, Senior Public Information Specialist, Austin Transportation Department
Informing the Traveler and Their Vehicle
Moderator: Dale Picha, P.E., PTOE, Traffic Operations Manager, Texas Department of Transportation
Drivers need information on the condition of the roadway ahead of them and a variety of systems and communication methods are coming into use. This session provides information on a number of these topics.
Automating Snow Detection on Roads Using Existing Road Cams, Shane Zumpf, Application Development Lead, Trihydro
The One-Stop-Shop for Rural Traveler Information – Serving Real-Time Traveler Information Across the Western States, Douglas Galarus, Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, Utah State University and Sean Campbell, P.E., Project Manager, California Department of Transportation
Accurate, Timely, Reliable…A Look at the Current State of Traveler Information, Data Quality and Performance Objectives in Rural Areas Within California, Keith Koeppen, P.E., ITS Engineer, Califonia Department of Transportation and Sean Campbell, P.E., Project Manager, California Department of Transportation
Tuesday, August 11, 11:00 a.m. –12:30 p.m.
Connected and Automated Vehicle Deployment Challenges
sponsored by
Moderator: Katherine Kortum, P.E., Ph.D, Senior Program Officer, Transportation Research Board
This session evaluates major challenges in Connected and Automated Vehicle deployment across North America with use cases from a diverse mix of cities and States, from New York to Louisiana and from Toronto to Louisiana. This session is both practical and forward looking regarding use of CAV technology.
Building a Strategic Communications Campaign for Connected Vehicle outreach: Lessons Learned, Lisa Miller, Traveler Info Manager, Utah Department of Transportation
The Driverless City, Sergio De Lara, Senior Associate – Smart Cities and Mobility, MaRS Discovery District
Community-Based Organizations in the Preparation of Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) Technologies: A Case Study of Louisiana, Christopher Melson, LTAP Program Manager, Louisiana Transportation Research Center
Highlights from the Automated Vehicle Symposium, Katherine Kortum, P.E, Ph.D, Senior Program Officer, Transportation Research Board
Operations and Maintenance Data Collection for CV Deployment, Robert Rausch, P.E., Vice President, TransCore
Procuring Future-proof Infrastructure-based Equipment for Vehicle Connectivity, Alan Clelland, C.Eng, MIET, CSM, Vice President West, Applied Information
Long Range Planning Tools: From Optimizing Land Use to Congestion Pricing
Moderator: Amir Rizavi, P.E., ENV SP, Director of Transportation Systems, VHB
This session will feature a wide variety of long range planning tools that transportation professionals must consider when planning for our rapidly changing built environment. This session will highlight innovative public involvement methods and techniques, minimizing vehicular traffic by optimizing land use, planning for advanced technologies in urban mobility, and ways to reduce congestion using congestion pricing and statewide mobility planning.
The Transportation Revolution is Happening NOW, Wes Guckert, PTP, President & CEO, The Traffic Group, Inc.
Minimizing Vehicular Traffic via Optimized Land Use Development for a Sustainable and Equitable Future, Babu Veeregowda, Ph.D, P.E., PTOE, Vice President, HNTB Corporation and Adam Selver, P.E., Senior Engineer, HNTB
Sources of Congestion in Rhode Island - Baking Our Own Pie (Chart), Deanna Peabody, P.E., Transportation Engineer, TrafInfo Communications and Sudhir Murthy, P.E., PTOE, President, TrafInfo Communications
Kentucky's Use of Innovative Public Involvement in Conceptual Planning, Stephen De Witte, P.E., Transportation Engineer I, Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
Preparing for Web 5.0 – The Emotional Web
Moderator: Eric Rensel, Vice President, Gannett-Fleming
This sessions walks the attendee through the previous four evolutions of the Internet, arriving at the “Emotional” or “Symbiotic” Web 5.0 powered by virtual assistants. Analyzing the positive and negative impacts from a transportation perspective, as we enter this latest generation of internet is the primary objective of this session.
Leslie Richards, General Manager, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority
Tony Kratofil, P.E., Chief Operating Officer, Michigan Department of Transportation
April Blackburn, PMP, Chief Technology Officer, Florida Department of Transportation
Tuesday, August 11, 1:30 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Connected and Automated Vehicle Deployments and Lessons Learned
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Moderator: Raj Ponnaluri, Ph.D, P.E., PTOE, PMP, State Connected Vehicles, Arterial Management, and Managed Lanes Engineer, Florida Department of Transportation
The focus of this session is to discuss lessons learned from Connected Vehicle deployments from a planning and practice perspective. Panelists from several agencies with real world experience in CAV deployment will lead this discussion on these important topics.
Blaine Leonard, P.E., F.ASCE, Transportation Technology Engineer, Utah Department of Transportation
Gary Piotrowicz, P.E., PTOE, Deputy Managing Director / County Highway Engineer, Road Commission for Oakland County, MI
Kirk Steudle, Senior Vice President, Econolite Group, Inc.
Cory Johnson, P.E., ITS Program Manager, Minnesota Department of Transportation
New Directions for Transportation Impact Analyses
Moderator: Dan Hardy, P.E., PTP, Managing Principal, Renaissance Planning
This session will describe the emerging state of the practice in conducting multimodal transportation impact analyses for site development including highlights from recently updated resources developed by ITE and the DC Department of Transportation. Case studies that successfully document the implementation of modern transportation impact analysis will also be presented.
Dan Hardy, P.E., PTP, Managing Principal, Renaissance Planning
Comprehensive Transportation Review in the District of Columbia: A Parking and Design-Focused Alternative to the Traffic Impact Study, Aaron Zimmerman, PTP, Site Development Program Manager, District of Columbia Department Of Transportation
Traffic Impact Analysis in a Changing World, Beth Ostrowski, P.E., PTOE, Practice Leader, KCI Technologies
Incorporating Data Driven Safety Analysis (DDSA) Into Transportation Impact Analysis, David Petrucci, P.E., PTOE, RSP2I, Senior Safety Engineer, Federal Highway Administration and Jerry Roche, Transportation Safety Engineer, Federal Highway Administration
Paving the Way for the Next Generation of Women in Transportation
The number of women receiving engineering degrees, at all levels, has increased over the past two decades. Encouraging more students to enter STEM could help narrow the skills gap over the next decade and encouraging more women to enter the field will not only increase the talent pool but will add diversity. Developing the workforce of the 21st century is not only about having the right skill set but also retaining talent. Diversity and Inclusion is a big effort into reaching to a wider pool of individuals.
Crowdsourcing Data to Fuel Innovation and Advance Transportation Operations
Moderator: James Colyar, Transportation Specialist, Federal Highway Administration
Data continues to play a larger role in the transportation industry and new data sources and new ways to integrate and analyze data will revolutionize the way transportation agencies do business. During this session, participants will hear from experts on the use of crowdsourced data for various application.
James Colyar, P.E., Transportation Specialist, Federal Highway Administration
Lisa Miller, Traveler Information Manager, Utah Department of Transportation
Andy Kaplan, Assistant Manager, LaGuardia Redevelopment Traffic Engineering, Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
Justin Effinger, P.E., Traffic Signal Engineer, Lake County Division of Transportation
What's New in Trip Generation
Moderator: David Hurwitz, Ph.D, F.ITE, Associate Professor of Transportation Engineering, Oregon State University
This session will discuss new research and tools for improved trip generation analysis. It will present the key elements of the recently released ITE Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition Supplement including an overview of the significantly expanded database including walk, bicycle, transit, motor vehicle, and truck trip generation data. It also includes methods for improving precision of person trip generation estimates for mixed use developments and for developing trip generation rates for school related land uses.
Improving Precision in Vehicle Trips Estimations for Non-Auto-Oriented Site Developments, Elisabeth Hofbauer-Spitzer, Senior Transportation Engineer, Transoft Solutions
School Trip Generation in Southern Nevada, Lindsay Saner, Project Engineer, Kimley-Horn
ITE Trip Generation Manual – 10th Edition Supplement, Kevin Hooper, P.E., Principal, Kevin Hooper Associates
Building Effective Relationships with Elected Officials
Moderator: Jennifer Toth, P.E., Director / County Engineer, Maricopa County Department of Transportation
One challenge faced by public agencies is establishing and maintaining effective relationships with members of governing boards and other regulating bodies. Consistent communication is key when working with individual elected officials, but so is tailoring the messaging and method of communication. This session will feature a panel discussion exploring key strategies for building effective relationships between agency officials and their regulatory elected officials in order to accomplish the goals of the agency.
Moderator: Karyn Robles, AICP, Director of Transportation, Village of Schaumburg, IL
Jennifer Toth, Director / County Engineer, Maricopa County Department of Transportation
Jeremy Kashman, City Engineer, City of Carmel, IN
Jack Sellers, Supervisor, Maricopa County, AZ
Paving the Way, Part 2
Get your wine and chocolate ready and join the Women of ITE in a fun workshop setting. We will share favorite pieces of advice from our peers, celebrate this year's accomplishments, and develop ideas that the Committee and ITE can focus on in the coming year.
Thursday, August 13, 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Big Data Applications for Safety and Operations
Moderator: Jason Crawford, P.E., Division Head / Research Engineer, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
This session presents several wide-ranging safety and operations applications that are enhanced through Big Data usage by transportation agencies across in cities and states, both large and small.
Open Source Big Data Applications to Improve Arterial Traffic Operations, Alan Toppen, P.E., Associate, Kimley-Horn and Ben Lempke, Regional Traffic Operations Supervisor, Georgia Department of Transportation
Seeing RED: Identifying Candidate Transit Priority Lanes, Dan Hardy, P.E., PTP, Principal, Renaissance Planning Group, Crystal Odum, Transportation Planner, North Carolina Capital Area Metropolitan Transportation Organization and Shelby Powell, AICP, Deputy Director, Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
Applications of the AASHTO Highway Safety Manual (HSM) Throughout North America: Experiences and Contemplations, Russell Brownlee, President and Transportation Safety Engineer, True North Safety Group and David Petrucci, P.E., PTOE, RSP2I, Senior Safety Engineer, Federal Highway Administration
Evaluating Cut-Through Traffic on Local Streets Using Big Data and Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Raj Paradkar, P.E., Senior Project Manager, Kimley-Horn and Kavita Chapuri, P.E., Senior Transportation Engineer, Kimley-Horn
Going the Extra Mile: Using Vehicle-Miles Traveled as a Measure for Evaluating Developments in Austin, TX, Aisling O'Reilly, Transportation Planner, WGI
Mobility as a Service / Mobility on Demand: Tools and Strategies
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Moderator: Johanna Zmud, Senior Research Scientist and Division Head, Multimodal Planning, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
This session evaluates the impacts of Mobility as a Service/Mobility on Demand (MaaS/MoD) from the perspectives of transportation planning, Connected and Automated Vehicles, micromobility and shared mobility.
Research Roadmap for Automated Vehicles and Shared Mobility, Greg Rodriguez, Mobility Policy Principal, Stantec and Pamela Bailey-Campbell, Senior Transportation Specialist, Stantec
Implementing Maas in Your Region: What We Know So Far, Crissy Ditmore, Director of Strategy, Cubic Transportation Systems
Shaping a Disruptive Future based on a Stable Past Foundation, Ronald Boenau, P.E., CEO, International Transportation Research Advisor and Andy Boenau, AICP, Founder, Speakeasy Media LLC
Building the Next Generation Transportation Workforce
Moderator: Kristi Sebastian, P.E., PTOE, Traffic Engineer, Dakota County, Minnesota
This session will touch on challenges facing transportation industry in both public and private sectors such as preparing next generation of workforce for future of transportation, intergenerational management, changes in required skill, knowledge, and abilities, and attracting and retaining diverse talent to successfully deploy, maintain, and fully leverage transformative technologies.
Bridging the Gap: The Future of Transportation Training, Nathaniel Coley Jr, Acting Director, National Highway Institute, Federal Highway Administration
Millennials in Charge: Do We All Get Trophies?, Bryan Bartnik, P.E., Region 1 Assistant Traffic Engineer, Tennessee Department of Transportation and Beth Ostrowski, P.E., PTOE, Practice Leader, KCI Technologies
Developing the Road Maintenance Workforce for the 21st Century, Dave Bergner, Representative to ITE, International Municipal Signal Association
The Evolution of Transportation and Implications for Our Future Workforce, Stephanie Ivey, Ph.D, Associate Dean for Research/Professor of Civil Engineering, University Of Memphis
Thursday, August 13, 1:30–3:00 p.m.
Planning for and Operating Smart Communities
Moderator: Abbas Mohaddes, P.E., President and COO, Econolite
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This session provides an evaluation of application of autonomous vehicle, smart transportation, micromobility, and robotics technologies as building blocks in the creation of a Smart Community. Several use cases are presented to paint the picture of a very practical Smart Community of the future being planned and operated today.
Olli, the Autonomous Shuttle and Its Implementation Journey in Rancho Cordova, Rupa Somavarapu, M.S., P.E., Senior Civil Engineer, City of Rancho Cordova and Monica Hernandez, Director of Innovation and Partnerships, Sacramento Area Council of Governments
Autonomous Delivery Robots: Technology, Opportunities and Lessons Learned, Rob Wynkoop, Associate Vice President of Auxiliary Services, Purdue University and Chris Neider, Senior Manger of Business Development, Starship Technologies
Can Micromobility Reduce Urban Traffic Congestion?, Virginia Sisiopiku, Ph.D., Professor, University Of Alabama at Birmingham and Xilei Zhao, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Florida
Building a Smart Transportation Management Platform, Carlos Ortiz, P.E., T.E., PTOE, Chief Operating Officer, Advantec Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Curbside Management and Micromobility in Practice, Regulation and Design
The curb is a busy place from parking to freight to transit to new pressures from micromobilty and electric CAVs. Many cities are adapting quickly to increased demand using better curbside management. This session will feature the importance of the effective and innovative curbside management in planning and engineering streets.
Managing TNC's at Large Transport Hubs - Best Practices from Around the World, Jeffrey Lebsack, P.E., AICP, ENV SP, Senior Project Manager, Mott MacDonald and Ravi Narayanan, P.E., T.E., Senior Project Manager, Mott MacDonald
Unlock a City’s Transportation Potential by Understanding and Re-imagining the Curbside, Peter Richards, Director of Transportation Engineering, IBI Group
A Framework for Optimal Allocation of Curbside Space, Scott Le Vine, AICP/PP, Urban Planner, Transpo Group / SUNY New Paltz and Alejandro Henao, Mobility Researcher, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
COVID-19, Part 2 – Impacts on Transportation Organizations
COVID-19 has had profound impacts on the demand for transportation facilities and services, the performance of the transportation system, transportation services provided, and the organizations that provide them. This two-part session will explore these impacts, how transportation organizations are adjusting and what the future might hold (Part 1 will be held on Tuesday, August 4 at 1:15 pm).
Moderator: Jeffrey Paniati, Executive Director and CEO, Institute of Transportation Engineers
State Transportation Agency Perspective, James Tymon, Executive Director, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
Transit Agency Perspective, Peter Rogoff, Chief Executive Officer, Sound Transit
Toll Agency Perspective, Pat Jones, Executive Director and CEO, International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association
Elaine Clegg, Council President, Boise, ID and Vice Chair, Transportation and Infrastructure Services Committee, National League of Cities
Poster Presentations
Tuesday, August 4, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Planning for E-Commerce in Dense Urban Environments, Tom Visee, AICP, MPM, Freight Planner, HDR and Kimberly McNabb, Senior Freight Planner, New York City DOT
Distributing Connected Vehicle Messages in Rural Environments, Shane Zumpf, Application Development Lead, Trihydro
Planning for Operations - Incorporating TSM&O into the Transportation Planning Process, Stuart Samberg, P.E., PTOE, Manager, Traffic, RK&K, LLP
Integrating TSMO and Multimodal Solutions into Pennsylvania's Regional Operations Planning, Adam Smith, P.E., PTOE, Senior Traffic/ITS Engineer, Jacobs
Tuesday, August 4, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
A Recipe for Clear and Convincing 3D Visuals, Adam Nodjomian, EIT, Transportation Analyst, Alliance Transportation Group, Inc.
Truck and Car Turnarounds in Rural Mountainous Terrain, Jim French, Ph.D, P.E., Traffic Engineer / Vice President, French Engineering
The Calgary Goods Movement Strategy, Madhuri Seera, P.E., P.Eng, PTOE, Senior Transportation Engineer, City of Calgary, Alberta
Evaluating Benefits of Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) Technologies to Prepare Future Deployment, Zhitong Huang, Ph.D, EIT, Senior Transportation Engineer / Research Analyst, Leidos
Wednesday, August 5, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Where Do I Park This Truck? A Data-Driven Approach to Identifying Suitable Areas for Truck Parking, Tracy Lehman, P.E., PTOE, RSP2I, Transportation Engineer, Kimley-Horn
Illuminated Traffic Signs & Smart-Sign Technology, Dr. Mari Glass, CEO, NightStar Traffic Solutions
LGA Redevelopment - Data Analysis for Resource Planning, Yana Chudnaya, P.E., Sam Schwartz
The “Eco” CAV Fleet – Going Green by Seeing the Greens, Greg Kent, Manager, Traffic Management, City of Ottawa, Canada and Omar Choudhry, Project Lead, Transportation System Management, City of Ottowa, Canada
Security for Transportation Management in the Smart City Future, Sunny Chakravarty, Vice President of Engineering, Econolite
Wednesday, August 5, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
**Incorporating Operating Speed Measures in the Safety Performance Functions, Subasish Das, Associate Transportation Researcher, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Supporting North Dakota's Vision Zero Plan with a Data-Driven Programmatic Assessment Tool, Tariq Shihadah, Transportation Engineer, Jacobs
Safety in Numbers – Using Count Data to Understand Cyclist Volume, Route Preference and Crash Rate in Québec City, Olivia White, MUP, Client Consultant, Eco-Counter and Marian Mithani, P.Eng, Client Consultant, Eco-Counter
Elevating the Status of Vulnerable Road Users: New Methods in Crash Hotspot Mapping and Analysis for Equitable, Data-Driven Decision-Making, Tyce Herrman, AICP, ENV SP, STP, Transportation Planner, HDR
Am I Big Enough for Big Data? One Community’s Use of Passive Data, Kayla Ferguson, Design Engineer, KCI Technologies
Thursday, August 6, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Before-After Safety Evaluation of Coordinated Ramp Metering Systems using Empirical Bayes Approach, Anurag Pande, Ph.D, Cal Poly State University and Amirarsalan Molan, Lecturer, Cal Poly State University
Driving Rural Transportation Planning Decisions with Big Data, Jim Hubbell, AICP, Transportation Solution Engineer, StreetLight Data
The First Roundabout Ramp Terminal in Oregon, Chengxin Dai, P.E., Traffic Engineer, HDR
Roadway Intersection Improvement Prioritization Study, Randy Boice, P.E., Vice President, JMT and Enrique Gonzalez, Ph.D, Senior Traffic Engineer, Loudoun County VA Department of Transportation & Capital Infrastructure
Tuesday, August 11, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Factors for Application of Adaptive Traffic Signal Control for At-Grade Railroad Crossings, Michael Shenoda, P.E., Ph.D, LEED, AP, BD+C, PTOE, Assistant Professor, Farmingdale State College
Application of Safety Tools for Pedestrian Safety in Pennsylvania, Patrick Wright, Traffic Engineer, PA LTAP Pennoni
Safety Design Principles for Pedestrian/Vulnerable Users at Roundabouts, Mark Johnson, P.E., Principal Engineer, MTJ Roundabout Engineering
Signal Timing for Oversaturation: Impact of Storage Length and Turning Vehicle Proportions on the Relationship between Cycle Length and Throughput,Christopher Day, Iowa State University and Tashin Emtenan, Graduate Research Assistant, Iowa State University
Order Fulfillment – Multimodality for Pentagon City and Amazon HQ2, Jon Crisafi, P.E., Senior Engineer, Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Tuesday, August 11, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Richmond’s Approach to Achieving Vision Zero: Signal Timing on Steroids, Ashley Lickliter, P.E., Vice President, Kimley-Horn and Michael Sawyer, P.E., City Transportation Engineer, City of Richmond, VA
Predictive Traffic Control – A New Paradigm For Traffic Signal Control,Jatish Patel, CEO, Flow Labs
Designing for Sustainable Safety and Vision Zero, Melany Alliston-Brick, P.E., Civil Engineering Practice Director, Toole Design Group and Emily Koehle, P.E., Traffic Engineer, Toole Design Group
Multi-modal Job Accessibility Impacts of Managed Lanes on Interstate 94, Kristin Carlson, Researcher, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Teenager’s Unrestrained Seat-Belt Motor Vehicle Crash and Behavior Analysis in Virginia, Erin Lim, High School Junior, Deep Run High School and Austin Campbell, Teacher, Deep Run High School
Wednesday, August 12, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Phased-Alternatives Evaluation Using HSM and Texas Safety Performance Functions, Dante Perez-Bravo, P.E., PTOE, Senior Transportation Engineer, Atkins and Abraham Yarney, Ph.D, Transportation Engineer, Atkins
Public Perception of Autonomous Commercial Vehicles, Asean Davis, Graduate Student, University of Florida
Minneapolis-Saint Paul Freeway System Interchange Study, Paul Morris, P.E., SRF Consulting Group and James McCarthy, P.E., PTOE, Traffic Operations Engineer, Federal Highway Administration
High Resolution Intersection Pedestrian Performance Measures Using AI Video Detection, Padraig Landy, Channel Account Manager, Miovision
Thursday, August 13, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Lessons Learned and Future of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, Strategic Highway Safety Plans and Vision Zero Initiatives,Benjamin Colucci-Rios, Ph.D, P.E., FITE, F.ASCE, JD, PAE, Director Puerto Rico LTAP, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez and Lynnette Alicea-Leon, MSCE, E.I.T., Civil / Transportation Engineer, CSA Architects and Engineers, LLP
Impact of Vehicle Speeds on Injury Severities, Woon Kim, Ph.D, Senior Analyst, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety and David Yang, Ph.D, Executive Director, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
**Incorporating Safe Systems Approach with Systemic Project Prioritization for Local Roads, Roozbeh Rahmani, Transportation Engineer, University of Florida and Nithin Agarwal, Director of Technology Transfer, University of Florida
Leveraging In-Vehicle Data for Crash Prevention, Kali Breheny, Business Development Manager, Waycare
Wednesday, August 12, 11:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Understanding the Potential of Big Data / Data Analytics
Developed by the ITE Industry Council, Consultants Council and Public Agency Council
This workshop will gather an audience of interested public sector transportation professionals and private sector data providers and data analytics companies to discuss crosscutting issues of concern to both public agencies and private sector firms. These issues include data access, data sharing, data purchasing, data standards, public-private partnerships, how public agencies can harness the full potential of private sector data, augmenting agency-owned data / information systems with private sector data and resources, how public agencies can effectively engage with private companies on data and data analytics issues, differences in approaches for larger vs smaller public agencies and many more. The workshop will consist of a series of framing presentations delivered by both public sector and private sector representatives to highlight current practices and key issues, followed by table and moderated group discussions on specific issues identified in advance by registered participants.
Evaluating Innovations in Traffic Impact Assessment to Facilitate Safety and Operations Integration
Municipal transportation planners and engineers across the US increasingly recognize that the conventional, Level of Service-driven approach to traffic impact assessment (TIA) may lead to transportation infrastructure changes that conflict with long range regional and local planning goals. In particular, short-term mitigation efforts triggered by TIAs are increasingly recognized as contributing to induced vehicle demand and long-term consequences on congestion, safety, human and environmental health impacts. In response, many cities have been exploring novel approaches to at least some aspects of the TIA process.
However, recent research has found that broader efforts to adapt TIA to better align with community mobility, accessibility, and resiliency goals have been stymied by a lack of technical knowledge, tools, and data, as well as perceived resistance of stakeholders due to a lack of standards and state-level support for alternative practices. Further, while TIAs are required to include a crash analysis component, the rigor of these analyses and injury prevention value-added to the studies are limited, based on knowledge of current practices.
This workshop will share some of the noteworthy practices used or considered in North Carolina and Virginia communities, as assessed by a recent research project, and conduct a facilitated discussion about the motivations for and barriers to changing TIA practices, including agency data and labor resources required for a change in practice.
Moderators and Facilitators:
Wes Kumfer, Ph.D., RSP1, Post Doctoral Associate, HSRC
Dan Gelinne, Senior Research Associate, HSRC and Program Manager, PBIC
Tabitha Combs, Ph.D., Research Associate and Lecturer, UNC Department of City and Regional Planning
Lakisha Hull, AICP, Services Division Manager, City of Charlotte Department of Transportation
Eric Graye, AICP, PTP, Transportation Planning Supervisor, Montgomery County Department of Planning
Peter Koonce, P.E., Manager, City of Portland Bureau of Transportation's Signals, Street Lighting, and ITS Division
Chris Comeau, AICP-CTP, Transportation Planner, City of Bellingham, WA
Aaron T. Zimmerman, Site Development Program Manager, District of Columbia Department of Transportation
Development of Speed Safety Camera (Automated Speed Enforcement ) Guidelines
The Speed Safety Camera Guidelines is an update to the Speed Enforcement Camera Systems Operational Guidelines that were published by U.S. Department of Transportation in 2008. The updated Guidelines are intended to help agencies and practitioners plan and implement a speed safety camera program with the goal of reducing speeding and speeding-related crashes, injuries, and fatalities.
The updated guide will include information for officials and program managers, administrators, law enforcement, traffic engineers, program evaluators, and other individuals responsible for the planning and operating a transparent, publicly-supported safety program that complements other transportation safety efforts. The updated guidance covers new technologies, such as point-to-point speed enforcement systems, and details program decisions that affect legality, safety, and success of a program.
The workshop will present a sneak-peek at content from the updated guidelines, which includes four new case examples demonstrating how jurisdictions and safety advocates have achieved enabling legislation, set-up programs to target challenging problems such as work zones, and determined other program arrangements that protect the public interest. Participants will also be encouraged to provide input to guide content and share examples from their agencies about what has worked well and other lessons learned.
Libby Thomas, Senior Research Associate, University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center
Shauna Hallmark, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Transportation and the Paulsen Professor in Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, Iowa State University
Kristen Kersavage, Ph.D., Safety Engineer Project Manager, VHB
Wes Kumfer, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Associate, HSRC
Stephen Heiny, Research Associate, HSRC
Modern Roundabouts: From Design to Safety Evaluation
Developed by the ITE Transportation Safety Council and the Roundabout Standing Committee
Roundabouts, also known as Modern Roundabouts, are a specific type of circular intersections different from traffic circles or other rotary intersections. Roundabouts are recognized by certain features such as “Counterclockwise Flow,” “Entry Yield Control,” and “Low Speed.” These performance-based intersections and their operational and safety outcomes are highly predicated on adherence to geometric principles for safety, signing, and marking presented in a coherent manner to drivers.
Join this interactive hands-on workshop to learn more about roundabout design and evaluation. Participants are asked to bring laptops to this workshop for a full experience. The workshop will include three sections:
Discussion of roundabout design principles including some operational considerations.
Discussion of roundabout crash prediction models developed under NCHRP Project 17-70 for the second edition of the Highway Safety Manual.
Exploring the implementation of the crash prediction models in the FHWA Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) software.
Mark T. Johnson, Principle Engineer, MTJ Roundabout Academy
David Petrucci, P.E., PTOE, RSP2I, Safety Engineer, FHWA
Building a Skilled Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO) Workforce to Manage the Future of Transportation
Developed by the ITE Transportation System Management and Operations Council
This workshop will focus on the “keep me up at night” issue that many private and public sector Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) leaders and practitioners have identified – building and retaining a qualified workforce to manage America’s roadways. Everyday more and more local agencies, state departments of transportation and private organizations are embracing TSMO solutions, but need additional resources to implement and improve on existing workforce strategies to build a healthy balance of personnel, education and training. To address this, the National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE) is providing newly developed TSMO workforce products and services to prepare existing and next generation practitioners to meet the needs of the 21st century transportation system. NOCoE Managing Director Patrick Son will lead this workshop, which will provide a roadmap for public agencies and private organizations to build their own TSMO workforce training and retention strategies by focusing on solutions identified in the newly produced, comprehensive guidebook on professional TSMO workforce needs. It will also feature three additional TMSO industry professionals from the academic, private and public sectors, who will provide real-world use case scenarios and insight.
Diversity and Inclusion at ITE
A recent survey of ITE International membership found that one in four members were unsure whether ITE leadership was committed to diversity. 60% of respondents to the same survey were unsure where to report a concern about harassment or discriminatory treatment. Results like these underscore the need to modernize the organization we all belong to. This interactive forum will begin by summarizing the results of that survey, in order to give a clearer picture of where ITE membership stands on the issues of diversity and inclusion. Attendees will also be introduced to ITE’s newly formed Diversity and Inclusion Committee, its mission, and the actions it is already taking. What follows will be a conversation about how all members of ITE can incorporate themes of diversity and inclusion at the chapter, section, district, and international level, and where efforts of the Diversity and Inclusion can and should be focused going forward.
Alyssa Rodriguez, ITE International Vice President
Shilpa Mallem, Project Manager, HDR, Inc., Portland, OR
Adam Nodjomian, Transportation Analyst, Alliance Transportation Group, Austin, TX
The Latest in Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures
This workshop will explore the value of Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPMs) to address safety, mobility, and reliability goals for all users through improved signal timing. The use of ATSPMs have helped agencies to quickly identify and proactively respond to operational and maintenance issues, improve traffic signal timing, and easily communicate outcomes both internally as well as to decision makers and the public.
There will be a brief overview of ATSPMs, along with several state and local DOTs sharing their experiences with ATSPM applications, discussion of method(s) to estimate the benefits and costs of implementation, and an open discussion with participants on some of the challenges to broader ATSPM adoption. There will be a supplemental focus on agency experiences with ATSPM applications in the areas of safety and infrastructure management, in addition to the more common operations-related cases.
Through the FHWA Every Day Counts 4 Technology Initiative, ATSPMs have become a core part of signal management and operations in more than 30 states and are beginning a transition to be a mainstream approach supporting to performance management in traffic signal programs.
Eddie Curtis, P.E., Traffic Management and Operations Specialist, FHWA, Washington, DC
Advancing Next Generation Arterial Traffic Incident Management (TIM) by Integrating Technology, Data and Training
Effectively and efficiently managing traffic incidents is a foundational Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) strategy and applies to all roadways, including local arterials. Traffic Incident Management (TIM) programs reduce secondary crashes, improve roadway travel reliability, and are critical to Vision Zero programs by enhancing traveler and responder safety.
TIM also enables responders to increase their focus on other public safety functions by reducing their time responding to incidents. Over the last five years new technologies, data, and training opportunities are further demonstrating the significant value of TIM for cities and municipalities, improving collaboration across transportation, law enforcement, fire, emergency medical services (EMS), towing, public works and other responder communities, all with the priority of saving lives and improving the quality of life for local communities.
This workshop will focus on arterial TIM strategies while highlighting innovations in technology, data, and training through presentations, group exercises, and delivery of a training module. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from peer practitioners and be better positioned to share knowledge and apply best practices in their respective local agencies.
Dale Picha, Transportation Operations Manager, Texas Department of Transportation - San Antonio District, San Antonio, TX
Paul Jodoin, Traffic Incident Manager, FHWA, Washington, DC
Steve Cyra, HNTB Fellow and Associate Vice President, TSM&O/Emerging Mobility, HNTB, Milwaukee, WI
Jennifer Toth, Director, Maricopa County Department of Transportation, Maricopa County, AZ