Events / Meetings

McTrans Course: Microsimulation Fundamentals - August

ITE has established a new partnership with the McTrans Center at the University of Florida Transportation Institute (UFTI). The McTrans Center (UFTI) is a unique organization of university and industry partners work to further the goals of safety and reliability in the transportation system through training and education in transportation technology. Its primary mission is to educate professionals in the use of the Highway Capacity Software (HCS) tool.

ITE Members receive a 20% discount on select courses by registering through ITE Learning Hub.


August 27-28, 2024 | 1:00 -- 5:00 p.m. ET | Register Here for this Course

This ITE and McTrans Center Course have several open class dates to choose from. Each class is two days in length. To learn more, click on 'register' above.

Course Description:

This course is intended for transportation professionals who develop and/or review microsimulation-based studies. Its scope, which is applicable to any software tool, includes basic principles of microsimulation, best practices, typical applications, when to select microsimulation as a tool, and more.

Experienced instructors will guide you through the methodological steps, emphasizing key concepts, best practices, common mistakes, and limitations. Significant changes and updates in the latest version of TSIS-CORSIM will be highlighted. Several example problems will be presented, and participants will get hands-on experience using TSIS-CORSIM for microsimulation modeling and analysis.


Ehsan Amini, PhD | Associate Engineer | McTrans Center
Fabio Sasahara, PhD, PMP | Outreach and Training Team Lead at McTrans Center

ITE Member Discounted Fee: $320.00
Non-member: $400.00
The full course schedule, instructor bios and registration information are available in the ITE Learning Hub here.
  • All content including web conferences, workshops, and distribution of PDHs will be delivered by McTrans Center and their system setup, therefore this will not appear in your ITE Learning Hub account.
  • Please allow 7 business days following your purchase to receive course information from McTrans Center directly. ITE provides McTrans Center staff a roster of new registrants on a weekly basis.
  • This offering is not eligible for free registration for ITE student members.