
Call for Data - Trip Generation Manual, 12th Edition


Data Collection Effort

ITE has announced a data collection effort aimed at updating, expanding, and improving data included in the widely used ITE Trip Generation Manual. ITE intends to release the 12th Edition of the Trip Generation Manual in summer 2025.

ITE relies heavily on the voluntary submittal of data from the transportation community to produce this valuable reference; we need your help to continue to improve this resource and to ensure delivery of the most accurate and up-to-date information available. If you have conducted trip generation counts, we encourage you to submit data for inclusion in the 12th Edition of this important Manual.

ITE is seeking data for all land uses (including urban, suburban, and rural contexts) and all modes (including vehicle, pedestrian, bicycle, transit, truck, and total person trips). ITE also asks that you submit any data collected on pass-by and diverted trips.

To encourage electronic data submittals, ITE has created a submission website. Hard-copy submittals are also welcome. We will be accepting data continually; however, to be included in the Trip Generation Manual 12th Edition, please submit by August 31, 2024.

Interested in purchasing a copy of the 11th edition of the Trip Generation Manual? Click here.