
Leadership Opportunities

ITE offers a wide range of opportunities for students and younger members to participate in leadership activities. 

  • Student Chapters
    ITE has 150+ chartered Student Chapters.  These Student Chapters offer young people a chance to begin to create their networks, develop leadership skills, and find out about how to develop their career.  The connection between a Student Chapter and local professionals is key to the both the experience of the student member and the growth of ITE.  There are a number of regular programs that ITE regularly supports our members being a part of to develop leadership and connections.
  • ITE Districts and Sections
    ITE has 11 Districts, 72 Sections, and 11 Chapters.  Sections and Chapters provide local networking and member activity. Districts provide regional groupings to expand information sharing and networking across geographic regions providing members with leadership opportunities. The Districts support Sections as a conduit of International communication, initiatives, polices, best practices and staff resources, bringing together the Section leaders. 
  • LeadershipITE

    ITE established LeadershipITE as a program to grow and empower leaders within the transportation industry so that they are well prepared for greater roles within their professional capacity as well as within ITE and other associations.  Since 2014, LeadershipITE has been identifying, developing, and engaging leaders to ensure that ITE and its members are positioned to participate and shape the future of transportation.

  • Council and Committees
    Nearly 16,000 members of the ITE are on the leading edge of issues through their participation in ITE’s special interest councils. Members are provided micro volunteer opportunities and the chance to engage with individuals who play key roles in cutting edge topics of interest to the membership. Click here to view the typical volunteer opportunities available within your council(s) of choice!

  • Student Leadership Summits
    The summits are entirely planned by students, for students. Through the promotion of leadership and professional development, these events aim to guide future transportation professionals. Approximately 100 students, both undergraduate and graduate, typically attend the one to three day events. In addition, ITE’s professional members typically provide support through sponsorships and participation in the summit’s program.

  • Young Leaders to Follow
    This program will help ITE recognize and highlight younger ITE members who may otherwise not be visible at the highest levels of ITE.  The purpose of this program is to recognize those individuals starting to make an impact on ITE at the chapter, section, or district or international levels and in their profession and to introduce these young members to the greater ITE Community. 

  • Become an Officer
    ITE benefits significantly from the leadership and volunteer efforts of its members. Serving on the ITE Executive Committee is a most fulfilling professional and personal experience. Becoming a member of the International Board of Direction’s Executive Committee is a significant responsibility.